Fuel oil tank removal, environmental
Renovation Working hours: 21-28
* Digging up an old disused fuel tank and inspecting the surrounding soil purity. * The tank was located in a courtyard area. * The raised oil tank seemed intact and on lifting the tank, no oil was found in the soil. * The tank had been previously emptied and cleaned. * The walls of the trench and the excavated matter yielded total hydrocarbon concentrations of less than 300 mg / kg of dry matter. * Thus, the edge of the trench land masses could be used to fill the pit. More information • Type of building: – None – • Damage type: Environment • Renovation Hardware: PetroFLAG field test, PID meter, Protective equipment
Tehdyt toimenpiteet
- Saneerattu
- Työtunnit: 21-28h
- Rakennuksen tyyppi: - Ei mikään -
- Saanut alkunsa:
- Vahingoittuneet tilat:
- Palokunta sammuttanut:
- Rakenteita purettu:
- Rakenteet vahingoittuneet:
- Vahinkotyyppi: Ympäristö, öljyvahinko, kemikaalivahinko
- Vahingon alatyyppi: Elektroninen laite
- Vahingon syy: Muut keittiölaitteet
- Huoneet:
- Saneerauslaitteisto: PID-mittari, PetroFlag-kenttätesti, Suojavarustus